How a "Morning Fizzy Juice" Changed My Body and My Life!

Read about my journey from 
210 to 148 at age 46!

Author: Jane Blake
Read time: 3 min
Written 11/22/2022

My Story: This is my incredible adventure how I went from 210 to 148. I hope my readers can find inspiration in my story to get their health back on track. I love to pay it forward with my story like a good friend did with me and that is a satisfying feeling. 

What I Learned Using This Simple Recipe....

I get emotional every time I think about how lucky I was to run into Lindsay. 

What Lindsay did for me, I can't thank her enough, and do every time I see her. 

She always smiles and playfully whistles at my new body.

I call it a miracle, because if everyone knew, the fitness and diet industry would be upside down. 

To think a Morning Fizzy Juice addition to your day could change your entire life is pretty impressive.

You see, we don't actually have to work out an hour a day, or do crazy fasting, or eat nothing but rice cakes or kale chips to look amazing.

Seriously, I am still AMAZED when I look in the mirror and see the woman smiling back at me. People I haven’t seen in a while do a double take whenever they see me now!

I have so much more confidence today! 

For the first time ever I enjoy shopping for clothes! I used to hate trying on clothes, it made me feel chubby and unattractive. I would go home depressed at my new wardrobe pieces, not excited about them.

I thought my husband and I were close...that is NOTHING compared to now! 

He can't keep his hands off of me and I (for the first time ever) want to engage with him constantly. Yes seriously!

What's even better? My annual trip to the doctor confirmed what I had hoped for.... My heart was healthier than ever, my blood sugar levels (which had been steadily creeping up) were now normal, and the doctors scale was no longer my nemesis! 

I dropped so much weight my doctor was beaming for me! He actually asked me all about my new method and decided to look into it further because of my amazing results.

What's shocking to me is that I didn’t have to diet, starve, or even cut out my favorite foods. 


In fact, I learned that this had nothing to do with why I was overweight in the first place. 

I learned so much from a 7 SECOND ADDITION TO MY WATER, like why it works and who it works for (which is pretty much everyone I know who has tried it).

My body shape had nothing to do with how much rigorous exercising I did… or how much sugar I ate.

No wonder I struggled for years to get my weight under control! The fitness industry (while it means well...keeps us in a constant battle) was making tons of money off of me and other like me, and I don't have to be led around by it anymore. 

I know the secret to my success....and it isn't the gym or it's trainers!

Happy and confident, for the first time in years!

Soon After I Discovered This Morning Fizzy Juice, 
I Was Able To:

* Eat whatever I wanted (without the guilt!).

* Not be disgusted with myself after every holiday.

* Stop stressing out about my body.

* Skip endless workouts that bothered my joints.

* Shop for new clothes WITHOUT hating myself for hours after trying them on...worst feeling ever.

* Finally, feel GREAT about reaching my dream figure!

I can’t explain how frustrating it was to work so hard for years being in a constant battle for my waistline and loosing that battle every day. I was miserable! 

But that is all in the past!

I tear up writing this because I know there are women out there, just like me, feeling the same way I did.

Ladies, I'm sharing this story for US! 

It is NOT your fault.....It wasn't my fault!

You can feel healthier, fitter, (and even sexier!) than you have ever felt in your life. There is beauty in each and everyone of us, no matter what shape we take. 

But this shape, the healthier one, really looks fantastic on me!

Watch the video that changed my life! 

I promise you will not regret this.
Might want to do it fast before the fitness industry finds a way to tear it down!

To See the 'Morning Fizzy Juice' that changed my life tap the play button below!

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